Review: Transformers: Age of Extinction Is Bad

Transformers: Age of Extinction

There’s going to be a vocal contingent that argues that _Age of Extinction_ is the best Transformers movie. It isn’t. It’s not the worst (here’s looking at you _Revenge of The Fallen_) but it’s really not the best either. That whole discussion is kind of ridiculous though because when you stop and think you’ll realize that you’re arguing which f these terrible movies is the least terrible. If you think that’s _Age of Extinction more power to you because the movie does fix a few of the problems that the previous three had but it also introduces a bunch more problems to deal with.

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Take a Look at Optimus Prime and Bumblebee’s New Vehicle Modes in Transformers 4

Transformers 4

Yes, Michael Bay is doing _another_ Transformers movie. I’m not exactly hopeful for it to be good but he keeps assuring people that it’ll be different from the last three.

In any event SlashFilm has some images of Optimus Prime and Bumblebee’s new vehicle modes so let’s take a look at those after the jump.

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