The Passing of Beloved Gilmore Girls Actor Edward Herrmann

gilmore-girls-emily-richard-kelly-bishop-edward-herrmann-dvdbash02For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

2014 brought about the passing of many of our most beloved stars.  Sadly today was no exception.  Edward Herrmann, 71, died this morning in hospital.  He had been in the ICU fighting brain cancer the past 3 and a half weeks.  His illness seems to have been a shock to his co-stars in the Gilmore Girls family.  Kelly Bishop was contacted by TVLine and said of her former television spouse “I think everyone who knew or worked with Ed found him to be absolutely delightful… Everything looks a little dim, as if the lights went down.” Continue reading “The Passing of Beloved Gilmore Girls Actor Edward Herrmann”

Doctor Who Season 8 Finale (Finally) – The Experiment Ends

New Doctor Who costume

We all knew it had to end sometime.  In my case the end came ten days late.  Mostly because I was busy doing other things and just couldn’t get around to mustering up the right mood to watch it.  So the Doctor sat on my DVR for a while.  I did watch the entire seventh season (so far) of Sons of Anarchy.  But I hate endings.  I still have the season one finale of Remedy and the series finale of the Office to watch.  What can I say, I hate goodbyes.

That said, I did sit down to my last Doctor’s appointment this week, here’s how that went… Continue reading “Doctor Who Season 8 Finale (Finally) – The Experiment Ends”

Doctor Who and the Race to Save Mankind From Themselves and Others

New Doctor Who costume

Turns out my DVR gets a bit temperamental when it’s being overworked. And then it refuses to record Doctor Who for you. So you have to figure out when the Space Channel is actually going to re-air the episode you missed all the while it keeps telling you “recording space is low” but when you go to watch the Daily Show it will only play one minute and then withhold the other 29 as some sort of punishment. I digress. The point is I’ve finally been able to see the last two episodes of Doctor Who before this weekend’s finale.  Shall we begin?  Okay then. Continue reading “Doctor Who and the Race to Save Mankind From Themselves and Others”

Doctor Who and the Dali Dilemma

New Doctor Who costume

Welcome back to Who’s On First Mondays… or rather, Who’s On Eventually because I was making ossobuco and was busy until now.  This week I’m sure we will find the Doctor in some sort of mischief and Clara doing something to try and help and/or lying to her boyfriend about the ambiguity of their relationship.  But that’s just a guess.  The ossobuco is in the oven so let’s see how right I am, shall we? Continue reading “Doctor Who and the Dali Dilemma”

Host the Oscars? NPH Would Totally Do That.

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The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has just announced that Neil Patrick Harris will host the 87th Academy Awards (the Oscars) on February 22, 2015.  Last year Ellen Degeneres hosted and had the most viewers in 14 years.  Here’s hoping NPH can keep the streak alive.

Warner Brothers’ 2020 Vision – Harry Potter & LEGO Trilogies and a Justice League Ten Pack


Warner Bros. had a lot to say at their Time Warner investors meeting today, and most of it was “YOU WANT MOVIES? I’LL SHOW YOU MOVIES!”  CEO Kevin Tsujihara gave us a timeline of what Warner Bros. will be working on over the next 6 years.  Buckle up (and maybe submit a resume), because it’s one hell of a breakneck pace they’re working with.  One that’s not going to leave much room for error, and I would assume means we won’t be seeing Ben Affleck direct movies for a little while.  And that isn’t the only thing we won’t be seeing. Continue reading “Warner Brothers’ 2020 Vision – Harry Potter & LEGO Trilogies and a Justice League Ten Pack”

Scene Stealers – 12 Television Actors You Need To Know

8bcb622d7827b9d2f436d20320b6We are living in an era of great ensemble television.  As viewers we are being spoiled not only with their work on screen but with cast interaction on social media platforms like twitter.  It has the effect of making you feel included in their TV family, and as a result you the viewer feels a sense of loyalty to them.  Shows like Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Grimm & Revenge have been excellent at this.  Though nothing could rival the social media power of CW stars, a class on which should be taught at the LaineyGossip Faculty of Celebrity Studies.  The best part for me is getting to hear from the cast members who aren’t necessarily the face of the show.  The actors who go to work every day and do a great job even though they don’t always have their own storyline.  The ones who aren’t going to be promoting it on talk shows.  The ones whose names you may not have heard.

I thought it was time to fix that.  Here are 12 people doing consistently good work that you need to know the names of. Continue reading “Scene Stealers – 12 Television Actors You Need To Know”

Doctor Who: Dark Side of the Moon

New Doctor Who costumeIt may come as a shock to all the Whos in Whovianville but my Saturday nights are not a rush to see the latest episode.  And my Sundays are usually filled by catching up with international news and watching sports.  So we find ourselves on a Monday afternoon with the doctor, and considering the phobias that were lived out this week I’m glad I watched it in the light of day.  I was passed along some feedback this week saying that someone out there really likes reading my Doctor Who experiment articles.  I had been fairly certain that outside of the one person I know who reads them (hi Rob!) I was shouting into space.  Apparently I’m not.  So thank you to anyone who’s still sticking around on this bumpy ride and listening to my random ramblings!  I promise to never use the right term for the Doctor’s space wand.

On with the show!… Continue reading “Doctor Who: Dark Side of the Moon”

Gone Girl – Veni, Vidi, Vindictis

df-04280-04333-comp-gallery-imageThe most surefire way to make me tune out a book’s pitch is to include the words “marriage” or “mother”.  Which is partially why I never bothered picking up Gone Girl, the novel by Gillian Flynn released in 2012.  The other is that almost as soon as I became aware of the book I found out it would be adapted for the screen starring Ben Affleck and directed by David Fincher.  Fincher has been one of my favourite directors since Se7en (1995) so I knew I would be seeing the movie.  Over the past five years I’ve made a concerted effort to go into the movies by my favourite filmmakers knowing as little as possible about them.  I cut myself off at one trailer, if that, and never listen to any interviews.  It can be really difficult, especially for a project like this that was a book for 2 years before the movie was released and many people feel that spoilers are fair game.

But I made it.  I waited all the way until the second day of opening weekend and the only thing I knew going into it was that Ben Affleck shows his penis.

If you don’t know anything about the movie and plan on seeing it I recommend you a) go to your nearest theatre immediately & b) stop reading this article until you have. Continue reading “Gone Girl – Veni, Vidi, Vindictis”

Doctor Who and the Case of Dramatic Irony

New Doctor Who costumeThe last week has seen me sidetracked with a big project and thus totally neglecting my self-appointed duties as Awesome Friday’s TV correspondent.  I promise there will be full analysis of the Fall TV Premieres to come… just as soon as I sit in front of my DVR and mainline them.  In spite of my distraction the Doctor would not be ignored, at least not after Sunday Football was through.  This must be how Clara feels.  Now if only I had her hair. Continue reading “Doctor Who and the Case of Dramatic Irony”

Doctor Who: Men In Tights

New Doctor Who costume

Well, it’s time for my weekly Doctor appointment.  If you’ve been following along this season I’m new to Who and have stayed away from googling answers to all my many questions in the effort of keeping to my original experiment.  Also, I don’t have time to fall down the T.A.R.D.I.S. hole.

Previous instalments of this series – Doctor Who Does What? In the Where? Or is it When? & Doctor Who Episode 2: Robotic Bugaboo

Allons-y! Continue reading “Doctor Who: Men In Tights”