Review: Transcendence

Transcendence Johnny Depp

Transcendence is the directorial debut of Wall Pfister, a great cinematographer who has worked with many great directors but who is probably best known for working with Christopher Nolan on every one of his films. He’s been nominated for Academy Awards four times: 2005, 2006, 2008, and a win in 2010 for _Inception_. I’m telling you all this because I think Wally Pfister is a great cinematographer who has done great work on great movies. The problem is that these facts don’t seem have translated into him being a great director.

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Review: The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie

Sometimes you hear about a movie and you think “how are they going to do that?” because the concept is so weirdly specific or, as is the case with Lego, so enormously broad. I’m of the opinion that you can make a good movie out of anything though because, as it turns out, you totally can.

The Lego Movie is one of the best movies you are going to see this year. Bold words for the first week of February I grant you but it’s true. Run, don’t walk, to your nearest theatre with your best friends and watch as all the freedom of imagination you had as a kid is projected on screen. It’s seriously amazing.

I’m going to talk a little bit about why I loved this movie now but that’s going to entail some slight spoilers so my recommendation is that you stop reading and go watch. Ok? Ok.

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Review: Oblivion


Do you ever read or watch science fiction? Have you ever had your mind blown at some plot twist or big reveal? Has a story ever made you think about things in this world in a new and different way?

Oblivion is a film that really wants to have this kind of impact on you but doesn’t. That’s not to say that it’s a bad movie just that while it is _good_, or rather _pretty okay_, it isn’t _great_.

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Now You See Me Trailer 2 Certainly Full of Talented People


I like movies about magic and movies about bank heists and this is a movie about magicians who pull off bank heists Toss in a pretty stellar cast and yeah, I will indeed see this one.

Did I mention stellar cast? Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine as the older men, Mark Ruffalo as the cop? Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Isla Fisher and Dave Franco as the magicians? Damn that’s some stellar casting.

One other thing, Dave Franco is barely mentioned I know he’s the up and comer in the group however this could be the one that pushes him to star status, especially after great supporting turns in Warm Bodies and 21 Jump Street.