American Hustle Trailer has Bigger Balls Than You

American Hustle

David O Russell has made some great films and it looks like he’s basically asked everyone who’s been nominated for an Oscar in his last few to come back and be in his new one, American Hustle. The film is a fictionalization of the ABSCAM FBI sting of the 1970s starring Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Jeremy Renner. That cast alone is enough to get my butt in a seat, but there’s a trailer now too so let’s check that out.

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Trailer: About Time

About Time

Time travel is cool, right? Well there’s a new British rom com on the way all about it. Domhall Gleeson stars as a young man who at the age of 21 is told by his father that the men in his family can travel in time. Naturally he uses this power to meet a girl and try to make things perfect.

Let’s watch!

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47 Ronin Trailer (And Posters) Looks Like 300 In Feudal Japan’s CGI Period

47 Ronin

Did you know that Keanu Reeves was working on an adaptation of the famous legend of the 47 Ronin? This is the part where I’d tell you the legend but doing so would spoil the end so I won’t. [Google it why don’t you](

Anyway, the movie has a trailer and some character posters and to be perfectly honest? I’m not sure what to make of it. Let’s watch!

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Awesome: Gravity One Shot Trailers and Poster


Remember the amazing long take sequences in _Children of Men_? It appears that director Alfonso Cuaron is going to give us more amazing single shot moments in his upcoming film Gravity. There’s two new trailers for the film now each of which is just one single shot from the movie and each of which is pretty much guaranteed to make you nauseous and want to see the film.

Let’s watch!

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Awesome: Legend of Korra Book 2 Trailer

Legend of Korra

_Avatar: The Last Airbender_ might have been a kids show but it featured an amazing world, fantastic fully realized characters and an epic hero’s journey story that spanned three full seasons.

Last year we got a follow up in the form of _The Legend of Korra_ which followed the successor to the main character in The Last Airbender on her journey to take up his mantle. It was, in a word, great. So great in fact that what was originally intended to be a 12 episode mini series has been expanded into a 4 season 52 episode show.

The second season, “Book Two: Spirits” now has a trailer and it is bloody gorgeous. Let’s watch!

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Veronica Mars Movie First Look from ComicCon

Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars was one of those shows with a devoted fan base, so say the least. The Browncoats may have convinced Hollywood to make Serenity after Firefly was cancelled, but the Marshmellows actually paid for it to happen, and in the process made a boat load of money for Kickstarter and maybe changed some of the rules of Hollywood too.

The producers are at ComicCon right now they brought a behind the scenes video and trailer for their fan funded film. Let’s watch!

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12 Years A Slave Trailer

12 Years A Slave

Solomon Northup was a free black man living in the Norther United States in the first half of the 1800s. In 1841 in Washington DC he was kidnapped and sold into slavery in the south and spent 12 years working plantations until his eventual released in 1853.

This film by Steve McQueen is based on Northup’s autobiography, and there is finally a trailer.

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