We often celebrate the best of special effects in film. Movie Magic has taken us to far away places time and time again. Sometimes the magic isn’t very good though and just gives us a good, unintentional, laugh. Let’s watch!
E3 2015: Nintendo Liveblog
Nintendo’s Digital Event kicks off the second day of E3. What can it do to possibly top Sony’s ridiculously gratifying show last night? Let’s find out!
E3 2015: Sony Liveblog
This is it, then. The last big show of the day. Let’s see what secrets Sony has ready for us.
E3 2015: Ubisoft Livestream
Bonjour. Ici est Ubisoft pour la E3 presentation. Joinest moi ici.
E3 2015: EA Liveblog
E3 2015: Microsoft Liveblog
Microsoft have much to prove this year. The PS4 has a clear lead thanks to Sony’s emphasis on games, and now new Microsoft boss Phil Spencer has to try and reverse that trend. Tune in live with me now to find out if they succeed!
E3 2015: Bethesda Wrap-Up
Bethesda kicked off the E3 shows with a few known announcements and a couple of tasty surprises. Here they all are.
Incoming: E3 2015!
#BBCAN3 – And the Winner Is… Production!
After ten long, twisted, weeks there is finally a winner for Big Brother Canada Season 3. And how.
Of course, this being reality television the finale was a two hour show the first ten minutes alone dedicated to recapping the season thus far with dramatic voice overs from the three remaining HGs. And it wasn’t until the last 5 minutes that anything of real importance was revealed.
Well, I shouldn’t say of any importance. We did get down to the business of declaring a final in a fairly timely fashion. Continue reading “#BBCAN3 – And the Winner Is… Production!”
John Wick 2 is Happening For Real
On of my favourite movies from last year is officially getting a sequel!
#BBCAN3 ep 17 – Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! (A Hat Tip to Production)
Two days ago in my Kentucky Fried Veto post I said “I almost feel bad for Production this season. Almost, but not quite, because they haven’t brought back Marsha the Moose and we’re five weeks in!” Well, I take it all back. Because Marsha the Moose has returned! Yay Trevor Boris! And boy did she return in one hell of a fashion. We’ll get to the “news” but first I think it’s time to pump Production’s tires a bit. Continue reading “#BBCAN3 ep 17 – Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! (A Hat Tip to Production)”
One Last ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Trailer For The.. Road
Have I mentioned that this movie looks batshit insane? Because this movie looks batshit insane.
Continue reading “One Last ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Trailer For The.. Road”
What If ‘Man of Steel’ Was In Colour?
Here’s that video that’s been going around for the past few days.
Let’s Talk About The New Joker
Pictured above is the look of The Joker as he’ll appear in _Suicide Squad_ and the rest of the DC Movie Universe. He’s played by Jared Leto, who I actually rather like, and he looks… different.
#BBCAN3 ep 16 – Kentucky Fried Veto
Last night one of the people who has followed all my Big Brother Canada recaps (possibly the only person?), Sam, compared the cast’s behaviour this season to high school. Sam hit the TWISTOS TWIST nail on the head. It’s exactly like that. Or like what MTV’s The Real World has become. Horny 20-somethings falling back on cliques, getting drunk and making out. Continue reading “#BBCAN3 ep 16 – Kentucky Fried Veto”
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