New Star Trek Into Darkness Character Posters are Spiffy

Star Trek INto Darkness

Here are some shiny character posters for Star Trek Into Darkness from the UK courtesy of [Collider](

See them and some comments after the jump.

Star Trek Into Darkness Karl Urban

Karl Urban as Leonard “Bones” McCoy

Star Trek Into Darkness Zachary Quinto

Zachary Quinto as Spock

Star Trek Into Darkness Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana as Uhura

Star Trek Into Darkness Alice Eve

Alice Eve as Carol Marcus

Star Trek Into Darkness John Cho

John Cho as Hikaru Sulu

Star Trek Into Darkness Chris Pine

Chris Pine as James T. Kirk

Star Trek Into Darkness Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch as John Harrison

So first things first, I like these. They have way more style than the previous [domestic posters I’ve seen]( which mostly just look like stills from the film with words overlaid. I like posters to have a bit more style and personality and these at least have the former. Whether they have the latter? Well…. I’ll let you decide.

Second things second, where are Scotty and Chekov? Geez!

Third things third, is it 17th May yet???

What do you think about the posters??