Man of Steel Trailer Gives Me A Nerdgasm

Man of Steel

Wow, between Star Trek and this it’s turned out to be a pretty damn good day for us nerds.

So let me be the millionth person to say this: this looks like it might be really fucking good. Everything from the tone to the scope of the plot to the performances to the look of things, this looks like it might be _really_ fucking good and I hope that it is.

Second, I kind of feel sorry for Zack Snyder if it does because while he’s made a couple of crap movies but he’s also made a couple of good movies and if this turns out to be good people are going to say “well that’s because Nolan was involved”. Now, Nolan being involved certainly couldn’t hurt, but he also didn’t direct or style this.

Third, I mean just _look at it_. It looks gorgeous.

What do you guys think??