There have been so many films released this fall that I haven’t had time to see them all, but here are two that I have caught on demand that I’d like to say a few words about.
Continue reading “Catch Up Reviews: ‘Last Night in Soho’ & ‘Spencer’”Review: ‘His House’ and the immigrant experience as horror.
“Be one of the good ones.”
It sounds like a nice thing, but what it means is “don’t make trouble. Don’t make work for me.” This is the Britain that Bol and Rial arrive in, and the line they hear from Mark, the man in charge of their asylum status. Having arrived from Sudan, a country ripped apart by tribal civil war, the run-down council house they are given to stay in looks like a mansion. Nevermind the bugs, the rats, the barely functioning electrics, or the smell (“just open the window and let it air out” Mark says).
There’s little that might phase them though, having crossed two contents and a stormy ocean that claimed the life of their daughter. The cold attitude of the social workers charged with helping them is the least intimidating thing they have faced, but it’s also one of the more horrifying things in the film. It’s hard to believe that casting the immigrant experience as a horror film isn’t a well-worn trope at this point because it’s so terrifying, even when you consider the ghosts that have followed them from home.
Continue reading “Review: ‘His House’ and the immigrant experience as horror.”Matt Smith Joins Terminator Reboot
Doctor Who Christmas Special Trailer: Come And Get It
We just had _The Day of the Doctor_ and this Christmas will bring us _The Time of the Doctor_. The upcoming Christmas Special episode of Doctor Who should be a big one for a bunch of reasons but let’s watch the new trailer before we talk about it.
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Review: The Day Of The Doctor – The 50th Anniversary Special
The *Third Conditional* in English is the impossible *”what if?”*. All the other conditional forms deal either with present truths or future ideas, plans and dreams of what may come. They are the ones that are still soft and malleable, ready to change on a dime as the present hurtles into the future. But the *Third*, it stands alone and stony in the past, a constant reminder of all the stupid decisions you’ve made, every ripple of the butterfly effect shaping the puzzlebox hotch-potch that you are today. The *Third* is impossible in that, no matter the reason or motivation, you can never change what has gone before; all you can do is dream of what you would have done instead. *If + Past Perfect + would have + Past Participle* is the very structure of regret.
But base emotions like regret are just for mere humans. Impossible is nothing for a Time Lord. What might he possibly have to regret?
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Watch: The Night of the Doctor, a Short Prelude to The Day of the Doctor
The Day of the Doctor is rapidly approaching. The 50th anniversary episode of the Doctor Who promises to explain a whole lot about the Doctor, his nature, and his involvement in the Time War. Now BBC has released a short film titled “Night of the Doctor” as a prelude. Let’s watch!
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Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special “The Day of the Doctor” Trailer
The Day of the Doctor is rapidly approaching and here’s a new trailer to get you psyched up! Let’s watch!
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Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Episode Poster
There’s a new poster for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Episode, now titled “The Day of the Doctor” which will see Matt Smith’s 11th Doctor working with David Tennants 10th Doctor and John Hurts as yet un-numbered “Dark Doctor”, wo was revealed at the end of the last series.
Let’s take a look!
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Matt Smith Says Goodbye To The Doctor
It’s time to start the speculation, as Matt Smith has announced today that his final appearance as Doctor Who will be in the 2013 Christmas Special.
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