Podcast: Alienoid & Marvel’s She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

Alienoid + She-Hulk

Greetings programs! This week on the podcast, we’ve got two exciting titles for you. First up is the South Korean science fiction epic Alienoid, then the latest Marvel series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.

There are streaming links powered by JustWatch a little further down this page, and the episode should be live wherever you listen to podcasts (including on this page) now.

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Review: ‘Space Sweepers’ is exactly the kind of bonkers fun I want in my Sci-Fi right now

Space Sweepers

Look, 2020 was a challenging year. In a world that feels incredibly bleak, sometimes you want something bright and colourful and maybe a little naive to get you through the day. Space Sweepers is entirely this: a Korean blockbuster about a group of rag-tag misfits who salvage space junk for a living, get caught up in a massive conspiracy, adopt a child, and fight back against a ruthless and oppressive corporate overlord.

It’s a ton of fun.

Continue reading “Review: ‘Space Sweepers’ is exactly the kind of bonkers fun I want in my Sci-Fi right now”