Home Video: Shane Black’s Christmas Films and Where to Buy, Rent, or Stream Them

The Long Kiss Goodnight

There are many versions of the holiday season, but a certain subset of film nerds know that the truest expression of Christmas is actually Shane Black-mass. Black has penned and directed some action-comedy classics in his time and has a penchant for setting them at Christmas time. That setting, sometimes overt and sometimes just in the background, is used to contrast and highlight elements in the films, which requires a grasp of tone that few other writer-directors have mastered.

So, treat yourself to one of Shane Black’s Christmas movies this Boxing Day. Here are all five, and where you can buy, rent, or stream them.

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Review: ‘The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special’ is a fun ride through Star Wars history

The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special

The Star Wars Holiday Special is, in a word, infamous. It has all the hallmarks of a cheap TV cash in, including guest stars and musical numbers, but over time it has become a cult classic. First traded on VHS bootlegged from TV, and more recently traded around the internet via sharing sites and BitTorrent.

When Disney+ was announced to launch with a large cross-section of all of the vast libraries of film they own including an entire section devoted to Star Wars, many hoped that the Holiday Special would be cleaned up and released. Those hoes have not been answered, but Disney did hear the fans because instead, they have created The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special, which takes some of the elements of the original, updates them with the new characters, and then uses a magical MacGuffin to take a ride through the history of Star Wars.

It is, to put it simply, a lot of fun.

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