Tony Jaa + Scott Adkins Join Kickboxer Remake; Movie To Feature Most Boxes Kicked Ever

Tony Jaa

I haven’t blogged about this before but the seminal 1989 Jean Claude Van Damme martial arts movie (that’s a pretty apt description of all his work, really) Kickboxer is being remade –because of course it is– but on the up side they seem to be casting a lot of awesome people in it.

The newest two are Tony Jaa (who you remember from Ong Bak) and Scott Adkins (who you have seen in lots of things but probably don’t remember).

They’re joining Alain Moussi who was last in _X-Men: Days of Future Past_, George St-Pierre who you remember as _Batroc The Leaper_ in _Captain America: The Winter Soldier_, and Dave Bautista who you remember from _Guardians of the Galaxy_.

Stephen Fung, who directed _Tai Chi Zero_, is directing. I dunno guys, I’m as cynical about remakes as the next guy but given the cast this could end up being pretty good. Or at least entertainingly bad. Or terrible.

No word on a release date yet.

(source: [Variety](