Greetings programs! On this week’s show, we’re taking on two exciting films. First up, a BC shot indie film that played as part of the 2024 Vancouver International Film Festival, Inedia. Then we turn our attention to a new Netflix release, the single-location mystery movie It’s What’s Inside. Both films are exciting for some of the same and some entirely different reasons, and we have a lot to say about each of them! Additionally, we talk about Transformers One for a few solid minutes, which means this episode covers three films we both liked!
Continue reading “Podcast: Inedia & It’s What’s Inside (& Transformers One)”Podcast: Air & Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
.Greetings, programs! We’re back after a week away! Join us for a lively discussion of Air (now on Prime Video) and Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (now in cinemas). One of these movies we really liked, and the other, the opposite of that. Listen to find out which is which!
Join us!
Continue reading “Podcast: Air & Transformers: Rise of the Beasts”Review: Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts
I loved Transformers as a child more than any other thing.
Continue reading “Review: Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts”Here’s another ‘Transformers: The Last Knight’ trailer (and posters) to confuse you
Michael Bay brings his signature “everything in the shot must be moving and the camera must be moving and something must also be exploding” style back to the Transformers franchise. He keeps promising to stop making these. I wish he would.
Watch This Stop-Motion Transformers Battle And Forget About Michael Bay
If you’re of a certain age, the modern *Transformers* films leave a very bitter taste in the mouth. Michael Bay’s re-imagining of the classic characters has robots with ridiculous racial stereotypes, body designs that are far too busy to be memorable, and fights that largely leave you confused and disorientated.
Well, filmmaker Harris Loureiro has spent the best part of a year making a film with his Optimus Prime and Constructicons fighting the way we always imagined as we threw our fantastically colourful and chunky toys across the playground. Watch!
Continue reading “Watch This Stop-Motion Transformers Battle And Forget About Michael Bay”
Review: Transformers: Age of Extinction Is Bad
There’s going to be a vocal contingent that argues that _Age of Extinction_ is the best Transformers movie. It isn’t. It’s not the worst (here’s looking at you _Revenge of The Fallen_) but it’s really not the best either. That whole discussion is kind of ridiculous though because when you stop and think you’ll realize that you’re arguing which f these terrible movies is the least terrible. If you think that’s _Age of Extinction more power to you because the movie does fix a few of the problems that the previous three had but it also introduces a bunch more problems to deal with.
Continue reading “Review: Transformers: Age of Extinction Is Bad”
Transformers 5 Is Already Greenlit For 2016 Along With A Slew Of Other Sequels
2016 is going to be a big year for things we’ve seen before.
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New Transformers: Age of Extinction Poster:
Transformers: Age of Extinction Trailer: We Need A New Army
Holy shit this actually looks good.
Continue reading “Transformers: Age of Extinction Trailer: We Need A New Army”
Here Are A Few New Transformers: Age of Extinction Photos + Poster
I wouldn’t normally wouldn’t post publicity stills but one of them is kind of amazing.
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Another Transformers: Age of Extiction Poster: Run away!
Transformers: Age of Extinction Posters Are Interesting AND Boring.
There’s a few posters for _Transformers: Age of Extinction_ and they’re kind of boring but also have a few interesting tid bits to mull over. Let’s take a look!
Continue reading “Transformers: Age of Extinction Posters Are Interesting AND Boring.”
Transformers: Age of Extinction Trailer + Viral Poster Are Getting My Hopes Up
Transformers 4 is happening and now there’s some marketing so we can get a sense of whether the people selling it are any good at sales. They kinda are. Let’s watch.
Continue reading “Transformers: Age of Extinction Trailer + Viral Poster Are Getting My Hopes Up”
Transformers: Age of Extinction Super Bowl Spot: Optimus Prime Riding Grimlock Is All You Need To Know
Gaze Upon The New Optimis Prime And Despair
Empire Magazine’s latest issue has Optimis Prime on the cover alongside Marky Mark and two other people. Let’s take a look.
Continue reading “Gaze Upon The New Optimis Prime And Despair”
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