Speaking of Marvel properties with release dates, Sony has announced dates for the Spider-Man franchise.
Continue reading “Sony Moves ‘Amazing Spider-Man 3’ Back To 2018, ‘Sinister Six’ To 2016”
Speaking of Marvel properties with release dates, Sony has announced dates for the Spider-Man franchise.
Continue reading “Sony Moves ‘Amazing Spider-Man 3’ Back To 2018, ‘Sinister Six’ To 2016”
Were you left wondering why Sony cast big name actor Chris Cooper as Norman Osborn and then only had him show up for one scene in one shitty movie? Wonder no more!
As if we needed another reason to be upset at Sony for what they are doing to Spider-Man they say this BS.
Continue reading “Sony Pictures Say Miles Morales Won’t Be In Any Spider-Man Movies”
I’ll give you a full review after the jump but let me take a moment right now to just give it to you straight: this movie is fucking awful and you shouldn’t see it. In fact I think it might be best if as few people as possible see it because if it doesn’t live up to Sony’s expectations then maybe we’ll be spared more of this crap.
The following review will contain some minor spoilers but you shouldn’t see this movie so it doesn’t matter.
We finally get a good look at Green Goblin as played by Dane DeHaan in the upcoming _Amazing Spider-Man 2_. It isn’t pretty, but I kind of like it.
Continue reading “First Look: The Amazing Spider-Man’s Nemesis, Green Goblin”
There’s been about a million trailers for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 which I haven’t posted because, well, there’s been about a million of them. This one purports to be the last one they’re releasing though, and does appear to have all the interesting tidbits from the rest of the marketing. Let’s watch!
Sony doesn’t have many big franchises but the one they do have has made a lot of money to date. Naturally that means they gotta start milking that cow dry.
Continue reading “Sony Wants To Do A Spider-Man Movie Every Year. Ugh.”
Here’s something for anyone who has ever asked “_Why don’t the Fantastic Four ever show up in a Spider-Man movie?_” Because different studios own the rights. The Geek Twins have now put together an info graphic to sett he record straight about who owns which. Hit the jump for a larger version.
Continue reading “Infographic: Which Studio Has The Rights To Which Marvel Characters?”
Sony made a hell of an announcement earlier today. They’re expanding their Spider-Man Cinematic Universe with a couple of spin offs, and those spin offs are all about the villains.
Continue reading “Huh: Sony Announces Sinister Six, Venom to get Their Own Movies”
Sony Vice President Amy Pascal:
> “We are going to access Marvel’s full world of Spider-Man characters, so be on the lookout for new heroes and villains”
So that’s another thing that is happening.
Continue reading “Sony Says More Of The Spider-Man Universe Is Headed To Screens”
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