‘Focus’ Trailer: Will Smith + Margot Robbie Pulling A Long Con

Focus / Will Smith

I love a good con movie. When they’re done right they’re the most engaging of whodunits because you never know who is doing exactly what to whom. Focus stars Will Smith as a con man who appears to take young, just starting out con woman played by Margot Robbie (of Wolf of Wall Street fame) under his wing.

Yeah, I’ll buy that. Let’s take a look.

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Review: 300: Rise of an Empire

300 Rise of an Empire

When the original _300_ came out I remember at first liking it but upon further viewings it became more and more problematic for me. See, Frank Miller is a right wing nut job and _300_ is, at best, a set of pretty 1 dimensional characters in a story that is hero worship of what is effectively a selfish and fascist society. _300: Rise of an Empire_ is interesting then in that in addition to having better developed characters (antagonists especially) acknowledges that fact and says _”that’s what they’re doing, that’s not really cool, but maybe we can use their machismo BS to our advantage”.

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