Matt’s Favourite Films & Performers of 2020

2020 Best of the Best

2020 has been a hell of a year. With theatres ending up being an unsafe place to be during an ongoing worldwide pandemic you’d think it would be a harder year for film, but looking back it’s clear that this year has been an as vibrant and diverse year for film as any other.

Of course, the difference is that without theatres, there have been far fewer blockbusters and far more indie and middle-tier films. The impact on my film diary for the year has been an interesting one, with bigger budget films losing the endorphin high of the theatrical experience –and thus losing some of the immediate forgiveness they earn if they aren’t great. Additionally, film festivals moved to an online experience either in whole or in part this year, which has meant that I have “attended” more of them.

As a result, I have seen more than 120 of 2020’s films, a steep increase from years past. Narrowing the list down to a group of favourites is as difficult as ever! Also this year, for the second time, I am going to highlight some of the performers that blew me away.

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Review: ‘Bill & Ted Face The Music’ is a most excellent follow up to films previous

Keanu Reeves & Alex Winter / Bill & Ted Face the Music

Legacy sequels can be a difficult thing to pull off. You need to have respect and reverence for the original material, but not stray too far into fan service or parody, and there’s a temptation to just do the same thing all over again.

We’re lucky then that original writers Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon have returned along with original stars Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter. Do the Wyld Stallyns travel through space and time again? Yes, but instead of trying to pass a history class, they end up examining their own lives.

You’re probably wondering if it’s good. Yes, yes it is. Is it as good as the originals? Yeah, I think it is.

Continue reading “Review: ‘Bill & Ted Face The Music’ is a most excellent follow up to films previous”