We need to have a little talk about Love. Or rather “I Love You”. Those three little words that are supposed to carry some kind of meaning. Some long lasting deep connection. At least when one person is saying it to another person. Unless you’re in the Big Brother House. Then “love” is thrown around and misused the way “literally” has literally lost it’s meaning. (I see you Newsroom fans, and I understand your pain.) Continue reading “#BBCAN3 ep 10 – No More “I Love You’s”: A Johnny Veto Mixtape.”
#BBCAN3 ep 9 – The End of Foreplay.
I guess it was bound to happen at some point. The burnout. It’s all hot and heavy for the first three weeks and then… well… at some point you have to come up for air. And much like the current BB Showmances, the show took a breather tonight. Actually it sort of yawned. Continue reading “#BBCAN3 ep 9 – The End of Foreplay.”
Reality Confessions – Zach, Frankie, Big Brother, Social Media Narcissism & The Present Age

I need to come clean about something… I watch Big Brother. Both the US & Canadian ones. It’s my reality TV drug of choice. And what went down last night is exactly why. For 2 hours drama unfolded that if all the camera feeds were edited together could make an excellent documentary on narcissism in the social media age.
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