Trailer: Oz the Great and Powerful Super Bowl Spot

Oz the Great and Powerful

Oz the Great and Powrful get the Superbowl Trailer treatment.

I honestly don’t have a lot to say here. There’s not a lot of new footage and there’s only one shot of the wicked witch and you don’t even see her face.

I can’t put my finger on it, I just can’t seem to get excited about it.

What do you guys think?

Trailer: Star Trek Into Darkness Super Bowl Spot

Star Trek INto Darkness

Super Bowl spot for my own personal most anticipated film of the year.

First off, let me just say this: HOLY SHIT BALLS IS IT MAY YET?

Second off, let me say this: Seriously guys, is it May yet?

And third, Yes I am looking forward to this movie. I’m a dyed in the wool trekkie (Simon’s more interested in Star Wars news) and this looks like it might take everything they learned on 2009’s Star Trek (but couldn’t fix due to the writers strike) and ramp it up considerably. It’s teasing lots of action, and I cannot wait to see Benedict Cumberbatch as the bad guy. Some people think he’s Khan, some people think it’s gonna be Sybok, but I honestly don’t think I want to know. It’s been a bit of a tricky thing keeping myself in the dark in terms of plot details so far but I am going to do my best to keep it up as long as I can.

And a few notes:

1. He’s “better at everything” eh? Lends more credence to the genetically engineered bad guy idea.
2. “Our World Will Fall” eh? So is he after Kirk, or Spock, or the federation, or ?
3. That appears to be the Enterprise crashing through an atmosphere. Holy moly there’s a lot of stuff going on here that’s playing up previous movies.

You may have noticed that this embed was in SD. [See the HD version at](, it’s much prettier.

Seriously, is it may yet?

**Update:** I forgot to mention, if you have the Star Trek Into Darkness app on your phone or tablet you can unlock a slightly longer version of this spot by having the app listen to it. It’s not much longer (37 seconds vs. the 32 seconds here) but there are a few more shots. Grab it for [iPhone/iPad/iPod here]( and for [android here]( And if you’re wondering if there’s any spoilery content, it does not appear as such.

Trailer: The Lone Ranger Super Bowl Spot


The 90 second spot for The Lone Ranger that aired during the Superbowl is now online. Hurray!

I’m going to go with my first instinct on this and say that despite the fact that it looks like it might be fairly predictable (do you think Armie Hammer might have been betrayed and left for dead and found and nursed back to health by Tonto who had previously been betrayed and then together they ride out to exact justice on the bad guys together and in the process much action and badass hilarity ensues?) I think that it might still be a whole lotta fun.

This about Pirates of the Caribbean here. The first one, not the rest of them. It’s that level that I’m talking about. If they hit that same mark this movie could be one of the top earners of the year.

And hopefully, just maybe, Johnny Depp will get to say “[your argument is invalid](”.

Official Synopsis from the [YouTube video embedded above](

> From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Gore Verbinski, the filmmaking team behind the blockbuster Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, comes Disney/Jerry Bruckheimer Films’ The Lone Ranger, a thrilling adventure infused with action and humour, in which the famed masked hero is brought to life through new eyes.

> Native American spirit warrior Tonto (Johnny Depp) recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid (Armie Hammer), a man of the law, a legend of justice — taking the audience on a runaway train of epic surprises and humorous friction as the two unlikely heroes must learn to work together and fight against greed and corruption.

See what I mean about “probably predictable but likely still fun”?

WTF: God of War: Ascension Superbowl Trailer

God of War Ascension

Apparently Sony is spending nearly 4$ million to air this during the Super Bowl. God knows how much they spent to make it. And it’s kind of terrible.

I get what they are going for here but I feel like it’s unnecessary. I don’t need to see the family he lost to understand Kratos or his motivations (and in this case I honestly don’t think we need to. God of War thus far hasn’t exactly been a masterwork of storytelling).

As with most prequel material I think it’s best left up to the imagination, but according to the world I am in the minority in that regard and here we are. What do you guys think?

[source: [Joystiq](]

Review: House of Cards (series)

House of Cards

[House of Cards is now live and streaming]( I’ve been looking forward to this for some time and I intend to watch it all, probably at least twice. This article comes after I finished the fourth episode. I’m going to my best to avoid spoilers and just talk about tone, performance, plot execution and all that good stuff. Look for a follow up next week for a more in depth (and probably spoilery) discussion.

Based on an incredibly well regarded British series of the same name, this remake casts Kevin Spacey in the role of Frank Underwood, the U.S. House Majority Whip, the man “_whose job it is to clear the pipes and keep the sludge moving_” in his own words.

At the series outset Frank has hitched his wagon to that of a newly elected president. Having done everything right it’s expected that he’ll be nominated for Secretary of State as a reward for his work.

But then that doesn’t happen. The president-elect nominates another man, younger and with little experience. Even more irksome to Frank, the president-elect himself didn’t break the news. He had his chief of staff do it for him, something Frank takes as a sign of great disrespect.

He spends the day alone thinking on what to do. He arrives home to his wife who chastises him for not calling. They do things together she points out, and they are most definitely better as a team even if their relationship seems to be based mostly on mutual advancement. Despite this, when Frank tells us that he loves Claire “more than sharks love blood” it’s easy to believe.

Frank spends the night thinking on what to do next and then he decides: he’s going to take the sons of bitches down. From here the manoeuvring starts. He starts working on playing people against one another, promising one thing while delivering another, and all the while playing the part of the loyal team member.

You know what? It’s all _fucking brilliant_. When Kevin Spacey is on his A Game there’s very few other actors I can say I find as thrilling to watch, and Kevin Spacey is on his A Game here. Robin Wright plays Franks wife Claire and she’s great too. They are the perfect couple in so many ways, equal partners in a relationship built on pursuing power.

House of Cards

Kate Mara plays one of the shows other central characters, the gutsy young reporter who forms a mutually beneficial relationship with Frank: he passes her information which either enhances his, or damages an enemy’s, reputation and with that information her career is greatly advanced. She’s good. I feel like lately people overlook Kate Mara in favour of her sister Rooney (admittedly, has had some amazing performances) but she’s more than capable. Her character has the least surprises to offer as it’s the most stereotyped in the show but she’s doing well with it.

But who am I kidding, this is the Kevin Spacey show. Everything about him is magic. Whether he’s dressing down a rival or buttering up someone he needs or explaining his motives to us by breaking the fourth wall –a technique that’s pretty hard to pull off this well– it’s just a pleasure to watch him talk and the dialogue he’s working with is witty and acerbic (and yes, he gets to use [the now famous quote]( from the original plus a few new better ones). Spacey is able to shift gears between the cynical and self serving Frank and the charming, well meaning utterly sincere persona Frank puts on as a politician, often cutting away from the latter to deliver a short soliloquy to us as the former, it’s hard to imagine anyone else in the part.

The story is compelling as well. I think that releasing the entire series at once was a smart move in the end as it makes the series feel more like a 13 hour movie than 13 one hour episodes. In the story we get to see first hand all the wheeling and dealing and back room shenanigans that make Washington, and let’s face it probably every other democratic government, tick. I don’t know what’s worse that it’s some of it’s so outlandish that it’s hard to believe or that none of it is so outlandish that I can’t believe it.

One other major concern I had was that David Fincher directed the first two episodes. Not that that’s a bad thing, but rather that following episodes might not be up to the same level of style and technique. I’m happy to report that’s not the case. Fincher’s two episodes certainly look and feel like David Fincher directed them, but the following two (directed by James Foley) keep the same tone and feel going if not that certain David Fincher look.

All in all the first third of this series is fucking great and, more than that, I feel like this might be the start of something. Netflix goal is “[to become HBO faster than HBO can become Netflix](”. That’s a pretty ambitious goal but if they’re able to keep this up then I don’t see it being a problem. If they keep investing in big chunks (House of Cards was given a 2 series, 13 episode per order) then more’s the better. Guaranteed runs are risky for the studio but they’re great for the creator and the viewer.

So what are you doing still reading this? Go keep watching. I have a few more to go and once I’m done the whole series I’ll post further and more detailed thoughts.

Awesome: Watch the Premiere Episode of House of Cards for Free

House of Cards

Netflix paid a metric boat load of cash for House of Cards and so naturally they want as many people as possible to see it. To that end, they’ve made the first episode available for anyone to watch, regardless of whether you have a subscription, which is pretty cool.

The first episode is directed by David Fincher, and the cast is star studded, so I’m guessing there are worse things you could spend an hour watching. It’s obvious they want you to sign up to watch the rest but you know what? Netflix is only 8 bucks a month. Worth it.

Watch this space over the next few days, I’m going to be watching the whole series and talking about it in chunks (probably 3-4 episodes at a time) as I do.

Meanwhile, relax and enjoy your flight.

[Watch Chapter 1 of House of Cards on Netflix](

Not Awesome: World War Z Superbowl Spot


Most of the Superbowl Ads will be going up, you know, during the Superbowl but for some reason the new 30 second spot for World War Z went up yesterday. So lets take a look.

You know when I first heard about this movie I was excited but the more I see the more I get the feeling it’s going to suck. I kind of dig that he running zombies act like a massive insect colony might, but at the same time they don’t look very good. Hopefully that’s just unfinished CG.

The trailer itself doesn’t really tell us anything more than we already know. In fact there’s only one new shot in here that I can see and it doesn’t add anything whatsoever. You’d think with a Superbowl ad, potentially seen by all of the people, they’d want to tease a little more and get us more interested. That they haven’t isn’t exactly reassuring.

The jury will be out on this one until I see it, but so far I’m not holding out much hope.

Review: Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies

It’s worth pointing out right now that I’ve liked all of Jonathan Levines movies (that I’ve seen). In particular he directed a movie in 2011 called _50/50_ starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen that went on to be one of my favourites of that year.

What I loved about that film was the relationship between the two main characters while Gordon-Levitts character dealt with cancer. How they interacted with and acted around each other felt very real and honest. Similarly in his previous film –_The Wackness_, a coming of age story set in 90s New York– the main character goes though everything you’d expect in a film like that but he manages to keep the whole thing feeling very grounded and real.

It’s fitting then how everything I loved about those two movies holds true in _Warm Bodies_, a film about a relationship between a girl and a zombie. Each of these films deals with relationships in awkward or extreme circumstances, after all.

Nicholas Hoult is “R”, a zombie literally shambling through life (or more specifically death) wishing that there was something more to do or be. Teresa Palmer is Julie, the daughter of the colonel who runs the city of survivors.

R and his best friend M, played by Rob Corddry, live at the airport. They shuffle around basically reenactign what little of human life they remember. Unlike most zombie stories they have basic motor skills and even the ability to somewhat communicate. R collects things when he’s out and about in the city and M signals to a barkeep that’s not there when he gets up from the stool he’s sitting on only to realize he doesn’t have to do that anymore. Both seem to realize that they’ve lost something in death and R wishes he still had the wherewithal to find it.

It’s one of their more wordy conversations that send them to the city where they cross paths with Julie and her group of volunteers out scrounging for supplies. In the melee the zombies kill everyone except Julie who R immediately falls in love with and saves and takes to the airplane he’s made his home in in order to keep her safe.

Throughout the second act we see Julie go from being scared to trying to figure out exactly what’s going on here and eventually developing a strong bond with R and slowly but surely restarting his heart and setting him on the path back to humanity before heading back to the city for the films third act where everything of course comes to a head.

Both Hoult and Corddry are great. It takes some skill to convey feeling in screen, it takes even more to convey _wanting_ to feel but not understanding how to do it or communicate it. Hoult shines in every scene he’s in with Julie in this regard, whether R the zombie struggling to make her feel comfortable or struggling just to tell her that he doesn’t want to hurt her.

Corddry supplies most of the laugh out loud moments in the film but not in the way you’d normally expect from him. Normally known for being bombastic and over the top he plays his part reservedly, by necessity, and he carries it off well. Comedians often turn out to be great dramatic actors and Corddry is certainly on his way to greater things that just being the funny sidekick. Palmer as well is in good form, in fact maybe the best I’ve seen her so far. Dave Franco has a supporting role as Julie’s boyfriend and while he’s not perfect you can see why he’s starting to gain traction like his brother James.

John Malkovich is Julie’s father the colonel. While he doesn’t get much screen time or development really he does well with what he’s given and he’s always nice to see on screen.

There’s a lot to like here. From the innocence of the relationship to the unconventional way the film deals with zombies. It’s not as funny as you’d expect but there are plenty of laughs to be had merely because of the circumstance.

Again, as strange as it is to say it, the film works because of the honest way the characters deal with the situations they are in. Sure, this story’s star crossed lovers are separated by life and death but it still manages to feel _real_ for lack of a better word. There’s plenty of opportunities where it could have gone slapstick and over the top but it never does.

It’s Romeo and Juliet but Romeo is a zombie and you should definitely check it out.

**Rating: 8/10

Awesome: New Trailers for Iron Man 3 and others coming Superbowl Sunday

Iron Man 3

Unless you’re from some alternate dimension you’re aware that advertising at the Superbowl is kind of a big deal. Well this year is no different.

Premiering this Sunday during the game will be new trailers for Iron Man 3, The Lone Ranger, Oz the Great and Powerful, and at least a few more.

They’re sure to hit the web the day of so when that happens we’ll get them posted along with a breakdown of what we see in each one.

In the mean time, here’s the teaser for the trailer for Iron Man 3 that will be debuting at the Superbowl.

[source: [Slashfilm](, [Marvel](]

Awesome: Duncan Jones to direct Warcraft

World of Warcraft

From [The Hollywood Reporter](

> Duncan Jones is making the jump to big-budget tentpole movies, signing on to direct Warcraft, Legendary Pictures’ live-action adaptation of Blizzard Entertainment’s video game universe.

> […]

> Taking an almost kitchen-sink approach to fantasy, Warcraft, which has grown to be one of the most popular multiplayer online role-playing games out there, is part fantasy, part science fiction and — depending on the game you’re playing — includes elements such as dragons and orcs, zombies and werewolves, and aliens and spaceships.
Legendary is keeping its script, written by Charles Leavitt, under wraps. The Warner Bros.-based production and finance outfit is eyeing a fall 2013 start and a 2015 release.

Duncan Jones has already made a good movie and an OK movie. The former, the brilliant _Moon_ starring Sam Rockwell and the latter _Source Code_ starring Jake Gyllenhall. Both had strong characters and performances though and those are the things that something like Warcraft needs. There’s plenty of story in Warcraft and there’s plenty of places to go with it. What’s going to make a movie in that world compelling isn’t the story or the spectacle of it all but rather the characters, and Duncan Jones is good at that kind of movie. Kind of like how Joss Whedon did with The Avengers.

Colour me excited.

Awesome: Entourage Movie Greenlit


[Mike Fleming Jr. at Deadline](

> Aquaman star Vinnie Chase is back, baby. Warner Bros has tonight given the green light on a movie version of Entourage, the HBO series that ran from 2004-2011. That gives a reprise for the inside Hollywood exploits of the up and coming film star, his manager and agent, his under-appreciated TV actor brother and the childhood pal/driver who form his inner circle.

> The film will be directed by series creator Doug Ellin, who wrote the screenplay and who exec produced the series with Mark Wahlberg and Stephen Levinson.

As a long time fan of the show this is great news to me. I know the show got a little less consistent towards the end but I still loved it start to finish, and the end of the show –with Vince running off to get married and Ari being offered a position as studio head– was a pretty clear opening for the story to continue.

Deals haven’t been made with anyone yet but it’d be hard to imagine this going ahead without any of the primary stars. I just find myself wondering which of the awesome recurring cast they might wrangle into it as well.

Either way, I’ll be there opening day.

Screen Actors Guild Award Winners and Reactions

Screen Actors Guild Awards

The 19th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards were this past weekend. I know I’m a few days late but here’s a quick roundup of the winners for movies and some thoughts to go with them.

Note: I’m not going to talk about the TV awards, but the coles notes version is this: Hooray for Kevin Costner, Bryan Cranston and Alec Baldwin.

Winners shown in bold a the top of each list.
You can [read the full list of winners here]( “SAG Awards Winners List”).

### Screen Actors Guild 49th Annual Life Achievement Award

* ***Dick Van Dyke***

I grew up watching Dick Van Dyke movies my parents had recorded off the television so this makes me smile.

### Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role

* ***Daniel Day-Lewis – _Lincoln_ as Abraham Lincoln***
* Bradley Cooper – _Silver Linings Playbook_ as Pat Solitano
* John Hawkes – _The Sessions_ as Mark O’Brien
* Hugh Jackman – _Les Misérables_ as Jean Valjean
* Denzel Washington – _Flight_ as Whip Whitaker

This isn’t a surprise to me in the slightest. Say what you will about _Lincoln_ but Daniel Day-Lewis was amazing playing the man. At this point I’d be surprised if he doesn’t win the Oscar.

It’s nice to see John Hawkes get the nod for _The Sessions_ as well.

### Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role

* ***Jennifer Lawrence – _Silver Linings Playbook_ as Tiffany Maxwell***
* Jessica Chastain – _Zero Dark Thirty_ as Maya
* Marion Cotillard – _Rust and Bone_ as Stéphanie
* Helen Mirren – _Hitchcock_ as Alma Reville
* Naomi Watts – _The Impossible_ as Maria Bennett

At this point Jennifer Lawrence has won the Golden Globe _and_ the SAG award for playing Tiffany Maxwell. The Oscar is now hers to lose if it wasn’t already and I think that’s how it’s going to go. I’d love to see Jessica Chastain win because I preferred _Zero Dark Thirty_ to _Silver Linings Playbook_ and I think that Maya was a far more complex character to play, but Tiffany is exactly the kind of quirky, loveable, bird with a broken wing but still independent and strong, feel good, cliche character that people love.

That’s not to say Lawrence isn’t an amazing actress or that she wasn’t amazing in the film, because she was and this is one of those parts designed to win Oscars.

### Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role

* ***Tommy Lee Jones – _Lincoln_ as Thaddeus Stevens***
* Alan Arkin – _Argo_ as Lester Siegel
* Javier Bardem – _Skyfall_ as Raoul Silva
* Robert De Niro – _Silver Linings Playbook_ as Pat Solitano Sr.
* Philip Seymour Hoffman – _The Master_ as Lancaster Dodd

Nice to see Tommy Lee Jones take home the trophy. Also cool to see Javier Bardem get the nod for his roll in _Skyfall_. He was brilliant as Silva and thats not the type of roll that usually gets recognized.

This is going to make the Oscar race in this category a little more interesting. Alan Arkin already took home the Golden Globe and everyone who’s nominated (swap out Javier Bardem for Christoph Waltz and its the same list) had already won to this one is anyone’s game.

### Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role

* ***Anne Hathaway – _Les Misérables_ as Fantine***
* Sally Field – _Lincoln_ as Mary Todd Lincoln
* Helen Hunt – _The Sessions_ as Cheryl Cohen-Greene
* Nicole Kidman – _The Paperboy_ as Charlotte Bless
* Maggie Smith – _The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel_ as Muriel Donnelly

No surprises here. Anne Hathaway has already taken home all the awards for this role. If she doesn’t win all the awards that are left I will be incredibly surprised.

### Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture

* ***Argo – Ben Affleck, Alan Arkin, Kerry Bishé, Kyle Chandler, Rory Cochrane, Bryan Cranston, Christopher Denham, Tate Donovan, Clea DuVall, Victor Garber, John Goodman, Scoot McNairy, and Chris Messina***
* _The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel_ – Judi Dench, Celia Imrie, Bill Nighy, Dev Patel, Ronald Pickup, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson, and Penelope Wilton
* _Les Misérables_ – Isabelle Allen, Samantha Barks, Sacha Baron Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Daniel Huttlestone, Hugh Jackman, Eddie Redmayne, Amanda Seyfried, Aaron Tveit, Colm Wilkinson
* _Lincoln_ – Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Hal Holbrook, Tommy Lee Jones, James Spader, David Strathairn
* _Silver Linings Playbook_ – Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Anupam Kher, Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Tucker, Jacki Weaver

In a year where Lincoln, a timely political story about America’s most beloved president came out I didn’t see this happening but Argo has now won the Golden Globe and the SAG Award for best picture.

It’s well deserved. It’s a brilliantly crafted film from start to finish and I’m glad to see it getting all the recognition it deserves.

It’ll be interesting next month to see if it takes home the Oscar as well, since Ben Affleck isn’t nominated for best director. That might end up being this years big “wtf” moment.

### Conclusions

Awards Season this year has been interesting so far. The films I thought would be a lock haven’t been winning and the ones I thought were entirely deserving but would get passed over have. The ladies categories are pretty much locked in for the Oscars at this point I assume, but the gentlemen’s categories as well as the best picture and director categories are up in the air as far as I can tell.

I like the SAG awards as well because you get films like Skyfall, which is a great film and completely overlooked by the Oscars and the Golden Globes, getting recognition from their peers. Make no mistake Skyfall was one of last years must-see movies but it’s no surprise that it’s only up for technical Oscars.

Make all the jokes you want about millionaires giving each other statues, but I enjoy watching great films win accolades (and Simon and I will be live blogging The Oscars on 24th Feb. while they air).

What are your guys thoughts on the matter? Do you agree with the wins here? How do you think the Oscars are going to play out?

Awesome: LucasFilm delays 3D rerelease of prequels to focus on Episode VII



> Lucasfilm has decided to postpone this fall’s scheduled release of Star Wars Episodes II and III in 3D. Given the recent development that we are moving forward with a new Star Wars trilogy, we will now focus 100 percent of our efforts on Star Wars: Episode VII in order to ensure the best possible experience for our fans. We will post further information about our 3D release plans at a later date.

Yet another win. I’m sure they’ll keep milking existing Star Wars to death but for now they’ve decided to make something new before they do it. Hopefully Episode VII turns out good enough that when they inevitably milk it to death I’ll be ok with it.

[source: [](]

Awesome: JJ Abrams still involved with Star Trek, Mission: Impossible

JJ Abrams

When it was [announced that JJ Abrams had been signed to direct the new Star Wars]( there’s been on big question: does this mean he’s not doing any more Star Trek?

Gina McIntyre at the LA Times:

> According to Paramount Vice Chairman Rob Moore, Abrams — who directed both 2009′s “Star Trek” and the upcoming sequel “Star Trek Into Darkness” — will still be involved in some capacity with a possible third “Trek” movie, at the minimum as a producer, if not also directing the film.

> Moore also pointed out that Abrams will continue to play a role in another of the studio’s most valuable franchises, “Mission: Impossible.”

> “J.J. will continue to develop projects for us including a new ‘Mission: Impossible,’ and he is committed to produce another ‘Star Trek,’” Moore said Friday afternoon.

I’m taking this as good news. I still have mixed feelings on the whole affair, no small part of which is that I’m not really sure that its right to have one guy at the helm of three major franchises (two of which are completely beloved).

That said, power to him. That much high profile work must be a good problem to have.

[source: [LA Times Hero Complex](]

Awesome: Searching for the Heart of Bungie

Russ Pitts writing for Polygon:

> Two things become clear as we sink deeper into [Pete] Parsons’ canned presentation.
> The first is that it really isn’t canned; Parsons knows every intimate detail —
> the memories are ingrained, not memorized. The second thing we discover is
> that Parsons’ affection for the Bungie Pentathlon trophy wasn’t a punt after all; of
> all of his company’s many accomplishments, crafting the perfect, nearly-insoluble
> team is the one of which he is absolutely most proud.

> He describes how he meets with employees on their first day, then again, a
> month or so later. He describes the indoctrination, the counseling, the nurturing.
> He uses the world “family” — a lot, and sincerely. He tells the story of how
> he finally conceded the studio needed an IT department after he became too busy
> to troubleshoot computers and lay cables himself. He lovingly describes every
> feature of the studio building — custom built from the ruins of a defunct bowling
> alley (downstairs) and movie theater (upstairs) — not in the way of someone
> describing their new mansion in the Hollywood Hills, but rather the way a
> librarian might describe a new reading room. As if it’s not a monument to his
> own largesse, but rather a construction for the benefit of others.

> He describes the intensive security measures: key-card coded front door;
> the beefy, menacing guards at the front desk; the cameras; the second set of
> doors guarding the stairway to the production floor and the third set of
> doors at the top of those stairs. And then he ushers us behind those
> layers of security to see what few have seen before.

Be sure to check out the embedded video as well. It’s always awesome to get a good behind the scenes look at a group doing work that you love.

[source: [Polygon](]