This week we have new posters for Bad Boys for Life, Burning Cane, Free Guy, The Gentlemen, Waves, I Lost My Body, No Time to Die, The Personal History of David Copperfield, Primal, and Doctor Sleep.
Bad Boys for Life

Yup, it sure is a poster featuring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence alright.
Burning Cane

Burning Cane is having a pretty successful festival run and this poster does give off that Deep South vibe that the film has. This one has been snatched up by Netflix so you will be able to see it soon.
Free Guy

Free Guy concerns a guy who figures out that he’s an NPC in a video game. Ryan Reynolds stars alongside Taika Waititi. There, I just sold you on the movie. We have a long wait and no real idea what the movie is going to be yet but the premise and cast are good.
The Gentlemen

Guy Ritchie is back to making London set crime films and I am here for it. This is where he does his best work and I can’t wait to see what wacky caper he’s come up with. I also love this poster which makes sense as I generally love more minimalistic designs like this. Plus look at that cast list!
24th January is when this one arrives and we can all enjoy Hugh Grant having a blast on screen.

Trey Edward Shults has directed two films previous to this and both have been good, if maybe difficult to watch. Waves follows a family after the death of one of their own that shatters them both individually and as a whole. Review so far as pretty positive and it features a new score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross so it can’t be all bad!
Waves arrives on 15 November.
I Lost My Body

It’s not every day that you get to see a movie that is about a disembodied hand searching for its body, but that’s the kind of thing that animation can bring you. Word is that I Lost My Body is really good, too! And it lands on Netflix on 29th November.
No Time To Die

The next James Bond movie has a title now and it has a first poster that seems to be a still photo from production with a logo over it. It’s… fine. We’ll go with fine.
The Personal History of David Copperfield

David Copperfield gets a pretty standard headshot poster. Not much to say about it.

And here’s my boy Nicolas Cage all decked out as the burnout rare animal trafficker from his upcoming film Primal. This film looks ridiculous and he looks to have gone full Cage and I, for one, am looking forward to it.
Doctor Sleep
Oh hey did you know that Doctor Sleep is a sequel to The Shining? Because if you didn’t these two posters desperately want you to know that it is. Each is leaning pretty hard on iconography from the classic film. I don’t know how I feel about a sequel to The Shining but you can make a good movie out of anything and this is an adaptation of a sequel that Stephen King wrote himself, so I’m choosing hope. Doctor Sleep gets its north American release on 8th November.
The End
For me, the Doctor Sleep posters might be the best ones in this batch, which one do you like best?
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