San Diego Comic Con is under way which means there is going to be more news flying around than I could ever keep up with, but here’s some great news for Star Wars fans: **The Clone Wars** is getting new episodes!
The original run of **Star Wars: The Clone Wars** was created by George Lucas with Dave Filoni serving as supervising director, and five seasons starting in 2008, with a follow-up set of episodes released online as ‘The Lost Missions’, but there has always been more story to tell. The anthology series followed many different Jedi and clone troopers and introduced a whole host of characters. More than that, it’s a different kind of Star Wars, telling all kinds of stories.
It also gave us some of the best Star Wars imagery around, something that looks like it will stay true. I mean just look at this shot from the trailer:

Speaking of which, here’s the trailer and a gorgeous poster to get you hyped up:

The new series is set to début on Disney’s new streaming service. Honestly, if I wasn’t basically guaranteed to subscribe to it already this would seal the deal. The only downside to this news is that we have to wait for that service to actually become available and that’s set to happen just over a year from now.
You can read a bit more, plus an interview with series runner Dave Filoni [over at](
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