Matt’s ‘Best of the Rest’ of 2021

2021 in Review: Best of the Rest

It has been a hell of a year and a hell of a year for film. The second year of the ongoing worldwide pandemic has been a bit of a roller coaster, with wave after wave of COVID once changing the film landscape. Theatres re-opened, but people have only really gone back for the biggest blockbuster titles, and even then, the numbers are a bit soft. 

That’s not to say that there hasn’t been many a literal ton of films this year, though. I set a new personal record, having seen nearly 180 films released in 2021, and let me tell you that most of them are good! 

To break down my favourites a little more this year, I’ll be dividing things up into three lists, one for my favourite performers, one for my favourite films, and one for the best of the rest. There are navigation links at the bottom of each page to the others. 

So let’s get started with this year’s best of the rest, featuring a baker’s dozen more films you should see from 2021.

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Review: ‘Space Sweepers’ is exactly the kind of bonkers fun I want in my Sci-Fi right now

Space Sweepers

Look, 2020 was a challenging year. In a world that feels incredibly bleak, sometimes you want something bright and colourful and maybe a little naive to get you through the day. Space Sweepers is entirely this: a Korean blockbuster about a group of rag-tag misfits who salvage space junk for a living, get caught up in a massive conspiracy, adopt a child, and fight back against a ruthless and oppressive corporate overlord.

It’s a ton of fun.

Continue reading “Review: ‘Space Sweepers’ is exactly the kind of bonkers fun I want in my Sci-Fi right now”