The Films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Ranked, Simon’s Edition

Marvel Studios' BLACK WIDOW

Matt loves a list way more than I do, not through any sense of my own hatred of them, but more than I find it hard to find the time or energy to rate art against itself. But Matt’s ranking of the Marvel movies was too interesting to resist texting him my own (very different list), which he then encouraged me to put up as a companion post. So here it is!

Please remember that A) lists aren’t facts, art is subjective and B) my value starts and stops at “is it creative/fun?” these days, so feel free to disagree. We’re both right.

Anyway, here’s my list of Marvels.

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The Films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Ranked, Black Widow Edition

Marvel Studios' BLACK WIDOW

Well, here’s a thing that I haven’t done in quite a while. The last time I wrote out a full ranking of the films in the MCU there were only 14 entries in the franchise. Only. Now, there are 24, plus the three limited series on Disney+, and if that doesn’t sound like a lot? There are ten movies and ten series on deck in the next two years.

If you had any doubts about the Marvel money train slowing down? Think again!

For the purposes of this list I am only looking at the films, and thinking back on how they all work (or not). This list is obviously my opinion, but feel free to agree or disagree with me here or on the social medias.

Without any further ado, here are all the Marvel films ranked from worst to first, according to Matthew.

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The Films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ranked, 2016 Catch Up Edition

We’re continuing to shake off the dust around here at Awesome Friday HQ, and one easy way to do that is to update the Marvel Fanboy Marvel Cinematic Universe Rankings. Last year there were two additions to the canon of films, _Captain America: Civil War_ and _Doctor Strange_. Each were good, but where do they fit? Let’s take a look.

Last time I did this I grouped the films into three categories, this time I’m doing a straight up ranking. Feel free to agree or disagree with me. In fact, I encourage it.

Now let’s get to it.

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The Films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ranked, Ant-Man Edition


It’s been a while since I made one of these lists! There have been two new Marvel films since [last time]( so it’s time to see where they fit into the mix. I rewatched all the Marvel films in the lead up to _Avengers: Age of Ultron_ so the films are still pretty fresh in the mind.

While the movies here are ranked from worst to best, I’m also grouping them into three categories: The ok ones, the good ones, and the great ones. If you’re wondering why there’s no “bad” category it’s both because I still enjoy the “ok” ones and because I can still appreciate the bad ones for the development of characters, story, and themes that run through the entire MCU (even if they’re pretty thin at times). Also also, it’s an exercise in being less negative.

Anyway, let’s get on with this.

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Holy Shit: ‘Captain America 3’ to Co-Star Iron Man, Kick Off Civil War Storyline

Iron Man + Captain America

Marvel Studios has done a really good job of throwing us curveballs and not being shy about mixing things up. Looks like they’re getting ready to do that again as Robert Downey Jr. Has just joined the cast of _Captain America 3_ and that film will reportedly kick off the _Civil War_ storyline in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


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The Films Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ranked, Guardians of the Galaxy Edition


_Guardians of the Galaxy_ finally hit theaters this week and absolutely no one should be surprised that [it’s really good]( The first question I was asked this morning was “how does it stack up compared to the other Marvel Cinematic Universe films?” So here’s my shiny new updated list which not only adds _Guardians_ but also mixes things up bit from [last time]( after a recent re-watch of all the movies.

Fair warning: minor spoilers for all the Marvel movies, including _Guardians of the Galaxy_, to follow.

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The Films Of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ranked


So you read my [breakdown of the Marvel Cinematic Universe]( and are now wondering how I think the films stack up so far? Well, I thought you’d never ask!

No, seriously, what took you so long to ask?

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The State of the Universe: The Current State of, and Speculation on What’s To Come In, The Marvel Cinematic Universe **Updated**


I’ve been thinking a lot about the Marvel Cinematic Universe lately. There has been nine feature films to date as well as five short films and sixteen episodes (out of twenty-two) of the television series _Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D._. That’s a lot of storytelling right there so as much for my own benefit as for yours I’m going to run down the current state of the universe as it stands right now, immediately post _Captain America: The Winter Soldier_ and after episode 16 of _Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D._, as I see it and offer some speculation as to where things are going.

This is obviously going to contain spoilers for, well, _everything_ in the MCU so far so my recommendation is to get caught up before you read this. Either that or no complaining. I’m also making predictions about what I think is going to happen moving forward so if I’m right, and I all but know that I am about one thing in particular, then consider this your spoiler warning.

Also go get yourself a cup of coffee or something because this is going to take a while.

Ok? Ok. Let’s do this.

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Avengers: Age of Ultron Will Rewrite Ultron’s Origin and Some Speculation On What It Might Be

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Yesterday [you read that Avengers 2 is officially going to be called “Avengers: Age of Ultron”]( This raised quite a few questions, especially regarding Hank Pym, aka Ant Man, who in the comics created Ultron.

MovieWeb spoke to Joss Whedon about it and now we have some answers and also a few more questions.

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Nagging Feelings About Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3

The more I think about Iron Man the more I am of two minds on the movie. For all the reasons [I previously stated]( the movie works, but there’s a lot of things nagging at me.

I’m going to talk about a few of those things and this is going to contain spoilers. Pretty massive spoilers actually so if you haven’t seen the movie stop reading right now. Go see it. It’s definitely a movie you should see in theatres. Once you’ve seen it come back and read this.

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Review: Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3

As a sequel not only to Iron Man and Iron Man 2 but also to The Avengers, Iron Man 3 has a lot to live up to. The Avengers changed everything, not only for the characters involved but for the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well; how do you sell these characters as solo acts again?

Luckily Marvel has employed some very smart people because as it turns out Iron Man 3 follows up nicely on a everything that preceded it, is one of the strongest stand alone films produced by Marvel to date and is probably the prefect anchor for the second phase of Marvel films.

Unfortunately in reviewing this there are going to be what could be considered some very mild spoilers involved. I promise that I won’t reveal anything big and keep the rest to a minimum, but if you want to go in blind (which I recommend you do) then just know that this is a movie I absolutely recommend seeing and stop reading right now. If you want to know what I think in detail, hit the jump.

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Get a Load of These New Iron Man Armours

So the wrost kept secret in the world is that in Iron Man 3 the newest and shiniest suit you’ve seen in all the posters and trailers is called “Mark XLVII” and that the reason for that is that Tony has built 40 new suits between the Mark VII seen in the Avengers and Iron Man 3.

Well, we’re starting to get a glipse of them thanks to the [Iron Man Facebook Page](

Here’s what we have so far:



Heartbreaker is my favourite so far, mostly because it looks so much like the suit from The Ultimates.

More after the jump.

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