Podcast: The Banshees of Inisherin & Avatar: The Way of Water (& Elvis, too) (w/ Guest Host Rachel Ho)

The Banshees of Inisherin & Avatar: The Way of Water

Greetings, programs, and welcome to our final episode of 2022! We usually post on Sundays, but since you have been good, we’re dropping this one on Christmas Eve.  This week we’re joined again by Rachel Ho of Contra Zoom Podcast, Exclaim.ca, and others as we talk about The Banshees of Inisherin (one of the year’s best) and Avatar: The Way of Water (another movie we have seen!) as well as a brief discussion about Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis.

Join us!

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James Cameron says that ‘Avatar 2’ is done filming, and ‘Avatar 3’ is nearly done

James Cameron

Avatar, remember Avatar? The movie that was the highest grossing film of all time for a decade?

Anyway, we’re getting four sequels to Avatar and I’ve lost count of how many times they’ve been delayed at this point, but now James Cameron says that two of them are almost ready to go!

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The Legend of Korra: Episode 2.07 & 2.08 Recap, Thoughts & Speculation

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Studio Mir returned this week for a special 2-part episode of The Legend of Korra, and what a treat! The animation was gorgeous, the style was beautiful, and the story itself was fun and engaging. If you only watch two episodes this season, make it these two. My recap, thoughts and speculation are below the jump.

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The Legend of Korra: Episode 2.06 Recap, Thoughts & Speculation

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It’s that time of the week again! Episode 2.06 of The Legend of Korra, The Sting, aired yesterday at its new time of 8:30 pm EST. Last week, I spoke about some of my frustrations with this season so far, and I’m pleased to say that even though some of those frustrations are still there, I really enjoyed this episode. Read on for my recap, thoughts and speculation — spoilers ahead!

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The Legend of Korra: Episode 2.05 Recap, Thoughts & Speculation

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Episode 2.05 aired last night, so here’s my weekly recap, thoughts and speculation.  I’m going to start out by saying that this one was difficult to write. I want to love this season, I really really do. I also prefer to focus on the positive, because there’s so much criticism and cynicism on the Internet already, and I’m grateful that we’re getting more seasons in the universe I adore. This episode, however, clinched a few things that have been bothering me about this season so far, and this week’s Thoughts section is going to discuss those.

First, though, let’s do the episode recap. Spoilers ahead!

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The Legend of Korra: Episode 2.03 Recap

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The third episode of Book Two of The Legend of Korra aired last night, so it’s time for another recap. I’ll start by saying I enjoyed this episode much more than the premier, though it’s hard to say if that was due to a leap in quality, or because I watched M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender directly before I watched this episode. (That movie has the power to make absolutely anything seem amazing by comparison.) Overwhelming evidence points to an actual leap in quality. Recap, thoughts, and speculation after the jump. As always, beware of spoilers!

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Legend of Korra: Book 1 Review / Book 2 Discussion

The Legend of Korra: Book 1 Recap/Book 2 Discussion

In April 2012, Nickelodeon released a sequel to the hit children’s cartoon Avatar: the Last Airbender. The Legend of Korra, originally a twelve-episode mini-series, was such a huge success that it was quickly renewed for three more seasons, with Book Two: Spirits starting up on Friday, September 13th.

If you haven’t seen Book One: Air yet, you’re missing out on a fast-paced, action-packed story with stunning art, gorgeous music, and some of the best animation on TV. The fight choreography alone makes it a worthwhile watch. Don’t worry if you never watched Avatar — the show does a good job of recapping the important plot points so first-time viewers can follow along.

As Book Two airs, I’ll be providing weekly episode recaps and theories here on Awesome Friday! To kick it all off, here is a Book One recap, along with some discussion and speculation about Book Two.

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