2 Guns Trailer Has Properly Incentivized Me

2 Guns

Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg starring as an undercover DEA Agent and an underecover special forces soldier who don’t dont know the other is undercover and then get blown and then have to work together to figure out who set them up while bullet fly and things explode in the background of their petty bickering and brotherly fighting?

Where do I sign?

What do you guys think??

A Single Shot Trailer is Unsettling

A Single Shot

I love Sam Rockwell and I have since pretty much Galaxy Quest. He has great comic timing and personality but he’s one of those actors who I love to see tackle more dramatic roles such as he did in films like _Confessions of a Dangerous Mind_ and _Moon_. He’s got a new film coming soon and here’s the trailer.

Talk about unsettling. Can’t wait to see it.

Only God Forgives Trailer is Awesome

Only God Forgives

If you’ve ever paid attention to us you know that [Drive](https://awesomefriday.ca/tag/drive/) was our favourite film of 2011. Director Nicholas Winding Refn and star Ryan Gosling have re-teamed for Only God Forgives, a movie set in Thailand about a fight.

Holy moly does this look like it might be amazing. Refn is great at creating a certain mood in his films and Gosling is a hell of an actor, throw in a little Kristen Scott Thomas and this looks like it might be one of the years best.

For some reason this isn’t on my [most anticipated list](https://awesomefriday.ca/2013/01/matts-most-anticipated-of-2013/) even though I totally knew it was coming out this year. WTF is wrong with me? Consider it added to the list.

This Is the End Red Band Trailer

This Is The End

You know, I had an inkling this would be a funny movie but it looks like it might be balls out hilarious. Or stupid. Or both.


Holy shit, the number of cameos in this is going to be ridiculous. I can’t wait.

New Iron Man 3 TV Spot Confirms Pepper Wearing a Suit


Yeah, you read that right. There’s a new Iron Man TV Spot and Pepper is wearing the suit in it. Watch:

This is the first of the Iron Man 3 trailers to piss me off. This is pepper wearing the new armour (doesn’t look like her own) which means at some point she’s going to uit up and it’s probably going to be a surprise to her and _it should be a surprise to us too._ I’m sure there is more going on than just her wearing the suit and there’s a lot to be said for wondering _”what’s she going to do in the suit??”_ but for myself I’d rather have been completely surprised by it.

Well, maybe not completely surprised since Pepper gets her own suit in the comics, but I’d rather have not known it was coming anyway.

Hummingbird Trailer Has Jason Statham doing what Jason Statham Does Best


Have you seen that Jason Statham movie where he’s a bad guy with a good heart? Yeah, so have I, but this one seems to be a bit different. Check it out.

Can’t quite put my finger on what’s different. Maybe it’s that he starts with nothing and we get to see all the context? Or maybe it’s just been too long since Jason Statham made a proper Jason Statham movie.

This one comes out May 17th in the UK, no release date for this side of the pond just yet.

Riddick Teaser Isn’t Afraid of the Dark or Repeating Plots


So Riddick is actually happening. Here’s a teaser.

I loved Pitch Black and I liked Chronicles of Riddick so i am holding out a hope that this turns out ok. However, a teaser that doesn’t show much a repeat of the characters most famous line isn’t exactly going very far to convince me.

New Trance Trailer, Complete with Dubstep and Danny Boyle


So Danny Boyle made a new film, and in case you had any doubt here’s a trailer.

I love that this trailer references Shallow Grave, a film that appears to be simiilarly in the “people trying to screw each other over whilst being slightly crazy” genre. If anyone can spin that yarn it’s Danny Boyle. That it’s full of great actors doesn’t exactly hurt either.

I still wish I’d known about this before I’d written my ‘[most anticipated of the year](https://awesomefriday.ca/2013/01/matts-most-anticipated-of-2013/)’ post.

Welcome to the Punch Trailer


Yearing for that certain type of crime film that only the UK can provide? Looks like Welcome to the Punch might provide it.

It’s already out in the UK and should be coming soon to North America. Does it look interesting to anyone other than myself?

Star Trek Into Darkness International Trailer is better … at everything…

Star Trek INto Darkness

The closer we get the more exictied I get about Star Trek. Dyed in the wool fan I am, but this trailer is also just fantastic. Sets up the bad guy as a legitimate threat better than past trailers have and shows a lot more action from the plot than a lot of previous efforts have.

It’ been hard keeping myself in the dark about this one but damn if I think it’s not going to be worth it. Tell me what you think after you;ve watched it.

Stuck In Love Looks Like a RomCom

Stuck in Love

You know that RomCom where the older man is still in love with but has to learn to appreciate his ex, and the younger generation in the movie are just learning about what love is and what it really means?

Yeah, you’ve probably seen this movie before. The thing about this movie is that it’s the type that can be truly awful but it can also be really good. Hopefully it falls into the latter category.

Rapturepalooza Red Band Trailer Looks Terrible

Rapturepalooza Ok this is bad.

There’s no other word for it. Oh, wait, there is: _god awful_. Ok that’s two words, sue me.

The basic set up of this film is that The Rapture has happened, Craig Robinson is the Anti-Christ, and Anna Kendrick is humanity’s best hope. That sounds like it could be amazing, but this trailer seems to indicate that the movie goes for every stupid joke it can and that none of them are funny.

And then Ken Jeong shows up at the end, clearly as God, which means we’ll have to put up with Ken Jeong being Ken Jeong. Which, in case you can’t tell, I’m tired of.

So basically, this movie sounds like it could have been amazing but looks like it’s going to be shite. Maybe it’s just a poorly made trailer though. Maybe.

Watch now and decide for yourself.

Despicable Me 2 Trailer #3

Despicable Me 2

Despicable Me was cute and funny and made some money, therefor it has a sequel upcoming. That’s really all I have to say. The trailer shows so very little, just a basic plot set up, that it’s hard to gauge anything by it other than that it does honestly _look_ shiny.