VIFF Review: ‘Breathe’; Andrew Garfield & Claire Foy are great in this OK film.

VIFF2017 / Breathe

Andrew Garfield has a marvellous gift: when he smiles, he does so with his entire face, including his eyes. This may sound like a weird thing to start a review with, but when you’re talking about a film where he has to lay completely motionless save for his face, it becomes a big deal.

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VIFF Review: ‘Thelma’ and the existential dilemma that is becoming yourself

VIFF2017 / Thelma

_Thelma_ begins with two things. First, a warning that if you have epilepsy, the movie might set it off and second, a father and his young daughter walking in the woods, hunting. The girl sees a deer and inches forward, transfixed. The father readies his gun, aims at the deer, and then slowly changes his aim to the back of his little girl’s head. He doesn’t pull the trigger; it’s clear from the get-go that he desperately wants to. Then the movie starts to get interesting.

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VIFF Review: ‘Lucky’ is the perfect swan song for Harry Dean Stanton

VIFF2017 / Lucky

A man lives alone in a small house in town so small you’d probably miss it if you blinked driving down the highway. He’s never been married, and he has no kids. He starts each day with a cigarette, a vigorous yoga routine in his underwear, and a walk into town to do his morning crossword and see his friends.

I’m sure this wasn’t exactly Harry Dean Stanton’s real-life, but _Lucky_ is clearly a movie about Harry Dean Stanton.

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Catching Up: A Few Great Performances From This Year So Far

Despite having the lowest summer box office in over a decade 2017 has been a great year for movies. It’s actually hard to believe that the box office has been so bad given just how many great movies have come out. It’s almost like the a glut of sequels and remakes combines with going to the movies being a kind of shitty experience is starting to take a toll. Or everyone spent the summer outside. You never know.

In any event, since I haven’t been writing reviews as diligently as I should (read: at all) I’d like to present you a few performances from this year in roughly chronological order that are worth of both your time and hefty amounts of praise. Mild spoilers for all films discussed.

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My Favourite Harry Dean Stanton Performances

A few days ago the world got a little dimmer. Harry Dean Stanton passed away at the age of 91. Celebrity deaths don’t generally hit me that hard but this one did. Stanton is the kind of actor that elevated every project he was a part of, whether he was in a lead role or a quick cameo. Roger Ebert once said that any movie with Harry Dean Stanton in a supporting role couldn’t be all bad and for my money that is a true statement.

He has one film left to come out, this years ***Lucky*** (pictured above). I’m looking forward to seeing ***Lucky** at VIFF next week and it is one of the films I’ve been anticipating most. I imagine now, as the last performance of a legend, it may take on a bittersweet quality.

Stanton has left a staggering filmography and each entry has a notable performance. Here now I’d like to share with you my favourite three by way of tribute to his amazing career.

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