VIFF Review: ‘White Lie’ is a tense psychological drama

White Lie / VIFF 2019

The problem with telling a lie –even a white lie– is that to maintain it, you have to tell more of them. Each new lie you tell builds on the ones you’ve already told until one day, instead of maintaining some small mistruth, you’re maintaining an entire narrative that you can barely keep straight.

This is the world of Katie Arneson (Kacey Rohl), the university student and dancer at the heart of Yonah Lewis and Calvin Thomas’s White Lie. With one minor difference: she hasn’t told a little white lie; she’s told the world she has cancer.

What lengths would someone have to go to maintain that lie? How long could you keep your head above water with the lies swirling around you? These are the questions at the heart of this movie.

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