There are over 100 films to watch at the Vancouver International Film Festival this year that it’s hard to keep up, so here are shorter reviews of three films I’ve watched this week.
Continue reading “VIFF Reviews: ‘Flowers of the Field’, ‘The New Corporation’, and ‘Black Bear’”VIFF Review: ‘The Magnitude of All Things’ looks at climate change through the lens of personal loss.
The planet is changing. Many still deny it, but I honestly cannot understand how. As of this writing, North America is beingĀ battered by storms on one side and wildfires on the other, both with unprecedented frequency and destructive power. Countries like the Maldives are disappearing as the sea level rises, permafrost in the Arctic is melting as the temperature increases, and entire ecosystems are collapsing worldwide.
And yet, people still deny it.
The Magnitude of All Things, the new documentary from director Jennifer Abbott, explores much of this change. If you have been paying attention to the world, there is not a lot of new information here, but Abbott takes a different route to this information: grief.
Continue reading “VIFF Review: ‘The Magnitude of All Things’ looks at climate change through the lens of personal loss.”
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