‘The 355’ trailer: five badass women, one world to save

A stellar cast of amazing actors? Check. A plot to destroy the world? Check. An American agent forming a deniable team of badasses to take on the threat? Check. Each badass has a distinct speciality? Check. Said American agent having a badass nickname? Check.

The 355 hits all the checkboxes that an action movie should but with one difference: the team is all women. I, for one, think this looks awesome. It looks dumb as a bag of hammers and exactly up my alley. Let’s take a look.

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VIFF Review: ‘In The Fade’ will net Diane Kruger all the award nominations

Fascism is on the rise in the world. It’s easy living on this continent to forget that it’s happening elsewhere. _In The Fade_ isn’t directly about the resurgence of Nazism, but those themes never the less play an important part in this story of family, justice, and revenge.

Continue reading “VIFF Review: ‘In The Fade’ will net Diane Kruger all the award nominations”