Two New Trailers for Only God Forgives Make Kristin Scott Thomas Look Scary

Only God Forgives

There are two new trailers for Nicolas Winding Refn’s upcoming Only God Forgives. Both of them are international, both of them are NSFW due to language and violence and nakedness, both of them tell us a little more plot and both of them make Kristin Scott Thomas looks _fucking scary_.

Watch after the jump!

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Documentary I’m Officially Looking Forward To: Deceptive Practices: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay

Ricky Jay

I don’t remember how old I was. I was already a fan of magic and illusion, although I never pursued it as a hobby. I was surfing channels on the 10 foot satellite dish we had when I was a kid and I stumbled across a show called _”Ricky Jay and his 52 Assistants”_. From that point on, through his appearances in film and television I have been a fan of Ricky Jay. The man has a sense of quiet theatricality and an immese pool of knowledge and skill, and he handles a deck of cards so well that if given the chance to play with him I’d _never_ let him shuffle.

And now there is a documentary about him. Lets watch after the jump!
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Man of Steel Trailer Gives Me A Nerdgasm

Man of Steel

Wow, between Star Trek and this it’s turned out to be a pretty damn good day for us nerds.

So let me be the millionth person to say this: this looks like it might be really fucking good. Everything from the tone to the scope of the plot to the performances to the look of things, this looks like it might be _really_ fucking good and I hope that it is.

Second, I kind of feel sorry for Zack Snyder if it does because while he’s made a couple of crap movies but he’s also made a couple of good movies and if this turns out to be good people are going to say “well that’s because Nolan was involved”. Now, Nolan being involved certainly couldn’t hurt, but he also didn’t direct or style this.

Third, I mean just _look at it_. It looks gorgeous.

What do you guys think??


Star Trek INto Darkness


All joking aside, this is looking good although perhaps a little predictable. Clearly looks like the bad guy gets the better of Kirk due to Kirks arrogance which ends disastrous consequences and then has to fight back from a place of defeat with perhaps these help of his friends and colleagues.

None of this is a bad thing necessarily, that could be an amazing movie. It is well worn material though so we’ll have to see.

Then again, they might be leading me to think that so that they can hit me with something totally different. Either way, seriously, is it 17th May yet????

A Beacon of Hope in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Teaser

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

The Hunger Games, like it or not, was a huge hit last year. I didn’t think it was bad, I just wished it were better. So here’s the first teaser for the second movie, Catching Fire:

To be fair, there’s a lot we don’t see here and it is just a teaser, but it any of this is as well executed as it looks and the cast brings their A game (which they are all more than capable of doing) then this might end up being great. Hopefully.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire comes out this November.

The Hangover III Is a Thing That Is Happening


The Hangover was a great film. A comedy with a hard R rating and great chemistry between its three main players. The Hangover part 2 was the same move just in Thailand.

To it’s credit, The Hangover part 3 looks like it might deviate in it’s plot at least a little bit. On the flip side though it looks like Ken Jeong has a much larger part in this one and I’ve grown tired of his schtick.On the flip flip side, John Goodman as the antagonist = FUCK YES.

So it’s a mixed bag, is what I am saying.

What and let me know what you think.

The Way, Way Back Trailer


This movie looks pretty by the numbers but it has a couple of very important things going for it. Sam Rockwell is one of those things as he’s very generally amazing. Steve Carell, Tony Colette, Alison Janney, and Rob Corddry are another as that’s a pretty stellar supporting cast. I haven’t seen Liam James in much but this could be a good start for him.

The best thing about this though is that it’s written by Jim Rash and Nat Faxon who previously won an Oscar for penning The Descendants

Yeah, it seems like a pretty standard coming of age movie but given the people involved I’ll likely see it.

Filth Red Band Trailer is Filthy


Let’s see, James McAvoy as a psychotic drug addicted dirty cop trying to solve a murder while probably not overcoming his personal demons? I mean, I’ve seen that before, but this still looks good. Oh, and the trailer is definitely NSFW.

Now You See Me Trailer 2 Certainly Full of Talented People


I like movies about magic and movies about bank heists and this is a movie about magicians who pull off bank heists Toss in a pretty stellar cast and yeah, I will indeed see this one.

Did I mention stellar cast? Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine as the older men, Mark Ruffalo as the cop? Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Isla Fisher and Dave Franco as the magicians? Damn that’s some stellar casting.

One other thing, Dave Franco is barely mentioned I know he’s the up and comer in the group however this could be the one that pushes him to star status, especially after great supporting turns in Warm Bodies and 21 Jump Street.

Carrie Trailer Gives Away The Plot


Chances are you have seen the orginal 1976 film version of Carrie, or maybe even read the book by Stephen King. If you have, the watch away. If you haven’t, know that this trailer gives away the majority of the plot. Still, you probably are at least familiar with the original, right??

I don’t know how I feel about this trailer. Kimberly Price has two movies under her belt and they are great and good respectively. On the other, I feel this is a needless remake.

On the one hand It’ll hopefully be pretty cool to see the rampage played out with modern effects (as long as it’s not all CG) but on the other, I feel like this is a needless remake when the original effects work perfectly well.

Also, on the one hand, I really like CHloe Grace Moretz and Julianne Moore for Carrie and Margaret, they’re both talented actors. On the other, I feel like this is a needless remake when Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie were both Oscar nominated in the original.

Maybe you’re starting to notice a pattern.

The Great Gatsby Gets A Great New Trailer

The Great Gatsby

Another of my [most anticipated]( of the year get a new trailer.

I really like the shift in this one. All the other trailers have been about the partying and the excess and this one is about the character relationships and the passions therein. Baz Luhrman certainly has a visual flare, I’m hoping that it’s not quite over the top. I’d hate so see this movie end up hampered by cheesiness, but I think it might work really well if it’s just cheezy enough.

I’m also really digging the Back in Black cover by Beyonce.

This one comes out next month right in between Iron Man and Star Trek. May is going to be a good month.

Before Midnight Trailer, In Which We Spend Another Day with Jesse and Celine

Before Midnight

It was 18 years ago we first spent the night with Jesse and Celine watching them fall in love, and 9 years later that we spent the day with them reconnecting and rekindling the relationship they never ended up having. Now, another 9 years on we get to spend another day with them to see what it’s like now that they are together.

I rather liked the first two movies in this series. I don’t know many people who grew up in the 1990s who don’t, actually. It’s also just been interesting having snapshots of this relationship at different points so I’m actually pretty excited to see what’s going on in this third instalment.

Anyone else?