Awesome Friday Games Podcast: ‘Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy’ & ‘Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’

Podcast Guardians of the Galaxy & Modern Warfare 2

Hello there, and the warmest of welcomes to this week’s Awesome Friday Games Podcast!

This week Simon takes a dive into why ‘Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy’ makes such a strong case for game of the year, and also looks into the endless thrills of the Spec OPs missions in ‘Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’.

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Awesome Friday Games Podcast: ‘Call of Duty: Vanguard’ & ‘Rez’

Podcast Call of Duty Vanguard & Rez

Hello! Welcome to the new Awesome Friday Games Podcast!

This is a new weekly dive into a new game and a classic title from the archives, and pairs beautifully with our movie podcast like Laphroaig and parmesan. As someone who has very little time to play anything these days, I’m always interested in what catches my attention, so I’m looking forward to sharing that with you.

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Awesome Friday Movie Podcast: ‘The Harder They Fall’ & ‘Tick Tick…Boom’


Greetings, programs, and welcome to the latest edition of the Awesome Friday Movie Podcast! This week we are looking at two new Netflix movies. First up, The Harder They Fall, a western starring Jonathan Majors, Idris Elba, and a host of other talented actors. Second, Tick, Tick… Boom! , the new film adaptation of famed Rent composer Jonathan Larson’s one-person show directed by Lin-Manuel Miranda and starring Andrew Garfield. One of these movies we have differing opinions on, the other we unabashedly loved. Listen in to find out which!

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VIFF ’21 Wrap Up: Matthew joins Thomas from ForReel and Taylor from Drink in the Movies to talk festival favourites

2021 VIFF Wrap Up

Another edition of the Vancouver International Film Festival is come and gone, and it’s time to talk about the movies we loved. This year I once got to sit down with Thomas from ForReel Movie News & Reviews and Taylor from Drink in the Movies and since the border is open, and we’re all vaccinated, we got to do it in person! So join us as we each talk about our top three films from the fest.

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Awesome Friday Movie Podcast: ‘Muppets Haunted Mansion’ & ‘There’s Someone Inside Your House’

Awesome Friday Podcast

Greetings programs! It’s Awesome Friday, on a Sunday, because it’s a state of mind and not a time or place. This week Simon and I are talking about Disney’s new Halloween special, Muppets Haunted Mansion and Netflix’s new teen slasher, There’s Someone Inside Your House.

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Awesome Friday Movie Podcast: ‘Star Wars: Visions’ & ‘Midnight Mass’

Awesome Friday Podcast: Star Wars: Visions & Midnight Mass

Greetings programs! It’s that time again, Awesome Friday on a Sunday! Remember, it’s a state of mind and not a day of the week. In this episode, we have two new series to talk about, the latest Star Wars project Star Wars: Visions and director Mike Flanagan’s latest series for Netflix, Midnight Mass. This episode is nearly 90s minutes long, but that’s because we absolutely loved one of these series and have a lot to say about it. Join us!

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