They’re releasing a poster a day so that they can generate maximum page views you can study them all individually, without distraction.
This one arrives via [Fandango](
In the comics Gamora is the adopted daughter of Thanos, one of the big bads of the universe. We know [Thanos will be in Guardians of the Galaxy in some way, shape, or form]( and Karen Gillan is playing Nebula, his granddaughter (in the comics). So basically expect to see some family dynamics going on in the movie. I kind of think that in the movies Nebula will be his new protegé where Gamora was his old one and left so eventually they will have to have a hero fight. They’re both “enhanced” by Thanos to be super strong and fast so that would be a hell of a fight (which both will survive, most likely).
Guardians of the Galaxy is out 1st August. Look for more posters as they are released this week.
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