Review: ‘The Unforgivable’ is at odds with itself but still works

There is no question that prison is hard on a person, especially in countries like the United States, where the system is set up to be punitive rather than rehabilitative. A long stint can leave a person a shell of their former self unless they have something on the outside to hold on to. In The Unforgivable, that something is a younger sister that the main character isn’t allowed to see. In this circumstance, how do you go on?

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Daredevil Review: Too Long, But Pretty Good Anyway


I’ve finally seen all of Daredevil, the first of Marvel’s (current) 5 Netflix shows. So here’s a quick rundown of what I thought of all 13 episodes. TL;DR version? I liked it, but I didn’t love it. Also, this review will contain spoilers. I’ll keep it to a minimum but it is just not going to be possible to avoid them all, and since I like it enough to recommend you watch it, well, … you’re warned anyway.

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