The New Republic: Star Wars Episode VII Cast In Focus

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Bad Robot set the internet on fire this morning with a photo showing all the cast members of *Star Wars Episode VII* during their first readthrough at Pinewood studios. There’s all the old cast – Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker – mixed with a healthy selection of new, up-and-coming names and established faces.

So, who are they?

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Awesome: Preview The Entire Soundtrack of Inside Llewyn Davis

Inside Llewyn Davis

We’re very much looking forward to the Coen Brothers upcoming _Inside Llewyn Davis_ and there’s a chance it could do for folk music what _Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?_ did for bluegrass. Not sure? You can decide for yourself right now: [NPR has the entire soundtrack available to stream](

I don’t have a favourite song just yet but I’m now looking forward to the film even more.

Inside Llewyn Davis Long Trailer

Inside Llewyn Davis

You’ve already seen a couple of trailers for Inside Llewyn Davis ([here]( and [here]( but if you’re like me (a big fan of the Coens and basically all the actors involved) then you probably can’t get enough. So here’s another trailer for you.

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