Podcast: Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities

Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities

Greetings, programs, and welcome to a very special episode of the podcast. This week instead of our usual two things, we are reviewing one or eight, depending on your perception of the universe.   Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities is an 8-episode horror anthology that is now out on Netflix, and we are looking at all eight episodes. We both have strong feelings about them; listen in to find out what they are!  

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Simon’s Favourite Films & Games of 2019

Best of 2019

As 2019 gradually fades into obscurity, it’s time for my yearly tradition of somehow ranking subjective experiences. This year is easier for me, though, as my free time has virtually disappeared (as you can probably tell from my complete lack of writing). As a result, I’m no longer diving deep into complicated experiences until they yield their goods. My metric is simple – is this fun? Does it inspire me? Does it make me feel? And if the answer is no – from a really early point – then it gets pushed aside.

Movies are easier to get through thanks to a much shorter time commitment than a game, so instead, they just get thrown in the outbox. My list of games, though, is more an example of the need for good design throughout – and how a jump in style can put me off forever. So let’s take a look!

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