Podcast: Andor (reprise), Spirited, & The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

Andor, Spirited, & The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

Greetings, programs, and welcome to a very special Awesome Friday Podcast. This week we’re covering three things: First, we’re headed back to Ferrix to revisit Andor, which might be the best Star Wars thing in a long while. Following that, we’re kicking off the holiday season with a look at Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell in AppleTV+’s new holiday musical Spirited, and then a quick trip out to Knowhere for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. This episode is jam-packed, so what are we waiting for?

After the jump, you’ll find podcast listings, streaming links for all three titles, and all of our other content.

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Podcast: Blonde & Star Wars: Andor

Blonde & Andor

Greetings programs! This week on the podcast, we are looking at the divisive new Marilyn Monroe movie Blonde, starring Ana de Armas as the titular blonde bombshell, before moving on to the latest entry in the Star Wars franchise, Andor. We spend half the episode swooning over one of these; listen to find out which!

JustWatch-powered streaming links, our ratings, and a complete list of where you can listen to this episode are below. Join us!

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