Greetings, programs, and welcome to a special bonus episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast. In our main episode this week, we asked over fifty of our friends to contribute their top ten Marvel Cinematic Universe entries and used those to establish a consensus top ten.
We also asked everyone if they would be willing to record a short audio clip about their favourite with the intent of sprinkling those into the show. Well, we didn’t get one from everyone, but we did get a level of response that made that plan a little untenable. So we used them to build this special bonus episode.
We’d very much like to thank everyone who contributed to the project and this episode specifically. It has been a lot of fun and rewarding to see our community come together.
We’re going to start with Simon and me speaking about our number one Marvel movie from our recent episode and then jump right into our friends talking about theirs. We hope you enjoy it.
This episode features:
- Austin Belzer, AustinBMedia
- Brian Skutle, Sonic Cinema
- Craig McKenzie,
- Dakota Arsenault, Contra Zoom Pod
- Don Shanahan, 25 Years Later
- Jay Cluitt, Life vs Film, Deep Blue Sea The Podcast, The LAMB
- Jeff Bulmer, Classic Movies Live!
- Michael Thomas, The Novice Cinephile
- MovieRob, MovieRob, The MovieRob Minute Podcast
- Rachel Ho, Freelance Critic, Contra Zoom Pod
- Richard Kirkham, Kirkham Movie a Day, The LAMB
- Shaurya Chawla, YouTube
- Thomas Stoneham-Judge,
- YL Koushik, Beta Critic
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