Watch This: Marvel’s Comic Con Sizzle Reel Looking Back At Phase 1 + 2


Marvel’s panel in Hall H at Comic Con is a big deal every year, and every year Marvel starts the show with a video presentation. This year it was a look back at all the movies they’ve made so far which amounts to a pretty awesome trailer for their entire grand experiment and a nice passing of the torch to _Guardians of the Galaxy_. And now it’s online so let’s watch!

I have to say, as a massive Marvel fan this was pretty awesome to watch. I can only imagine what it must have been like to see this in a room full of 6000+ fans.

Next years comic con will be post _Avengers: Age of Ultron_ and right around the same time as _Ant Man_ is hitting theaters. It’s weird to say but I’m kinda looking forward to seeing what they come up with for Hall H in 2015 already.