New Call Of Duty: Ghosts Trailer Looks Unashamedly Awesome

Call of Duty Ghosts

There’s much bad will towards *Call Of Duty*. Activision’s behemoth franchise has become the poster child for attracting the kind of stereotypical gamers that you’d rather leave under a rock, and while it may be true that navigating the dark corridors of its multiplayer mode could leave you hating gaming youth forever, the single player section is usually something to be savoured. It’s often criticised for being too short, shallow, bombastic and overly American – however, approach it like you would an 80’s Jean-Claude Van Damme movie, or chilli dog, and you’ll find yourself on a six hour thrill ride through multiple locations and ridiculous accents.

Well, as is the norm now, the latest entry – *Call Of Duty: Ghosts* – is preparing to line the Christmas stockings of would-be marines everywhere, and a tasty trailer has been released to let you know what’ll be in store:

Cool, yes? Who cares that the firing a rifle IN SPACE is probably the most ridiculous thing you’ve seen this year? Infinity Ward certainly don’t. Just strap in, enjoy the ride and wait for the inevitable CoD Dog selfless sacrifice. I’m all for deep games that have meaningful narratives and structures that move the medium forward, but I’m equally happy to suspend my disbelief and hurtle through a slice of video game popcorn. Bring it on!